Drawing from the Senses (Back by request!)
January 29 & 30 / Class fee: $225
Sat & Sun, 10 AM – 5 PM including a 1-hr lunch break
Location: Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, West Seattle
In response to several requests, I’m happy to offer this unique workshop again (last taught in 2007). “Drawing from the Senses” engages our sense of touch, sound, and sight while drawing from the live model. Drawing is not only a visual experience, it engages all of our senses and we can use them to draw more effectively and sensitively. We will make many Gesture drawings and some longer studies focusing on individual senses to expand the kind of marks we make and unleash the imagination. This weekend workshop is a great way to break habits, challenge your visual vocabulary, and discover new ways to create even more dynamic and accurate figure drawings. All Levels Welcomed. Charcoal and Drawing Ink Wash.
Drawing to the right by Barbara Fugate
Drawing/Painting MARATHON—no instruction, time with a model and your materials!
February 12 & 13 / Fee: $60 for one day; $110 for both days
Sat & Sun, 9:30 AM – 4:30 PM including a 1-hr lunch break
Location: Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, West Seattle
Draw or Paint to your heart’s delight! Here is a chance to focus for two days (six hours each day) with¬out instruction. Barbara will also be there drawing, timing the model, and providing snacks to keep you fueled-up while you make a multitude of drawings or paintings—your choice. Each day begins with gesture poses progressing up to a 3 hour pose. Just bring your supplies and an easel, and make art! Last year’s marathon was so fun and exciting that I’m offering it again. You can take one or both days. Consider this a time to practice class ideas, new ideas, and to experiment freely!
Dynamic Figure Drawing & Yoga Retreat on Guemes Island, WA, All Levels
February 25-27 —Friday night through Sunday afternoon
Class fee: $290 (includes yoga and drawing instruction) plus $10 for two breakfasts
Barbara Fugate, Drawing Instructor; Tammie Winter, Yoga Instructor
This special retreat is held on the lovely San Juan Island, Guemes Island, near Anacortes WA. This workshop combines yoga and drawing to strengthen our physical and mental connection within ourselves and our art.
Barbara teaches with yoga instructor Tammie Winter from San Francisco, CA. Tammie leads a yoga practice before and after the drawing sessions to energize, balance, and stretch out any tensions. Barbara guides you as you draw from the figure, exploring gesture, line, shadow shapes, and movement. Charcoal, ink wash and limited soft pastel colors will be used.
Friday evening Tammie begins the retreat with a 1-hour calming and centering yoga session. Saturday begins with 1-hour of yoga followed by a breakfast buffet. Drawing commences afterwards with Barbara for 5 hours. Yoga ends the day with more stretching, balance and breathing practice for 1-hour. A similar schedule follows on Sunday. All levels in yoga and drawing are welcomed and accommodated. Email Barbara soon for assistance with lodging on Guemes Island.
Photos: 2010 Drawing/Yoga Retreat on Guemes Island. Tammie Winter assisting students in their yoga practice and students at work in the studio.
SKETCHBOOK DRAWING WITH COLOR (Woodland Pk. Zoo & Volunteer Pk. Conservatory)
6 consecutive Tuesdays (1 PM - 4 PM), February 1 - March 8
Class fee: $195: First meeting location is Woodland Park Zoo
Here is an opportunity to study issues of drawing in color from animals at Woodland Park Zoo and plants at Volunteer Park Conservatory. Meeting weekly we draw in sketchbooks focusing on specific art issues including movement, mass, form, texture, space, uses of contrast, emphasis, and line. Ani¬mals and plants will never appear the same again. Each class begins with a lecture covering issues practiced that afternoon. You will draw with conté crayon, colored pencil, colored chalk and ink wash. Zoo entrance fees are not included. All levels are welcome.
Photo: Sandra and Kathie at work, Sketchbook Drawing in Color 2010.
TO REGISTER for a class, please Email Me.
Drawing from the Senses (Back by request!)
January 29 & 30 / Class fee: $225
Sat & Sun, 10 AM – 5 PM including a 1-hr lunch break
Location: Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, West Seattle
In response to several requests, I’m happy to offer this unique workshop again (last taught in 2007). “Drawing from the Senses” engages our sense of touch, sound, and sight while drawing from the live model. Drawing is not only a visual experience, it engages all of our senses and we can use them to draw more effectively and sensitively. We will make many Gesture drawings and some longer
studies focusing on individual senses to expand the kind of marks we make and unleash the
imagination. This weekend workshop is a great way to break habits, challenge your visual
vocabulary, and discover new ways to create even more dynamic and accurate figure drawings.
All Levels Welcomed. Charcoal and Drawing Ink Wash.
Drawing/Painting MARATHON—no instruction, time with a model and your materials!
February 12 & 13 / Fee: $60 for one day; $100 for both days
Sat & Sun, 9:30 AM – 4:30 PM including a 1-hr lunch break
Location: Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, West Seattle
Draw or Paint to your heart’s delight! Here is a chance to focus for two days (six hours each day) without instruction. Barbara will also be there drawing, timing the model, and providing snacks to keep you fueled-up while you make a multitude of drawings or paintings—your choice. Each day
begins with gesture poses progressing up to a 3 hour pose. Just bring your supplies and an easel, and make art! Last year’s marathon was so fun and exciting that I’m offering it again. You can take one or both days. Consider this a time to practice class ideas, new ideas, and to experiment freely!
Dynamic Figure Drawing & Yoga Retreat on Guemes Island, WA, All Levels
February 25-27 —Friday night through Sunday afternoon
Class fee: $290 (includes yoga and drawing instruction) plus $10 for two breakfasts
Barbara Fugate, Drawing Instructor; Tammie Winter, Yoga Instructor
This special retreat is held on the lovely San Juan Island, Guemes Island, near Anacortes WA. This workshop combines yoga and drawing to strengthen our physical and mental connection within
ourselves and our art. Barbara teaches with yoga instructor Tammie Winter from San Francisco, CA. Tammie leads a yoga practice before and after the drawing sessions to energize, balance, and stretch out any tensions. Barbara guides you drawing from the figure exploring gesture, line, shadow shapes, and movement. Charcoal, ink wash and limited soft pastel colors will be used.
Friday evening Tammie begins the retreat with a 1-hour calming and centering yoga session. Saturday begins with 1-hour of yoga followed by a breakfast buffet. Drawing commences afterwards with
Barbara for 5 hours. Yoga ends the day with more stretching, balance and breathing practice for
1-hour. A similar schedule follows on Sunday. All levels in yoga and drawing are welcomed and
accommodated. Email Barbara soon for assistance with lodging on Guemes Island.
SKETCHBOOK DRAWING WITH COLOR (Woodland Pk. Zoo & Volunteer Pk. Conservatory)
6 consecutive Tuesdays (1 PM - 4 PM), February 1 - March 8
Class fee: $195: First meeting location is Woodland Park Zoo
Here is an opportunity to study issues of drawing in color from animals at Woodland Park Zoo and plants at Volunteer Park Conservatory. Meeting weekly we draw in sketchbooks focusing on specific art issues including movement, mass, form, texture, space, uses of contrast, emphasis, and line. Animals and plants will never appear the same again. Each class begins with a lecture covering
issues practiced that afternoon. You will draw with conté crayon, colored pencil, colored chalk and ink wash. Zoo entrance fees are not included. All levels are welcome.