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JAN 25-26: Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, West Seattle
Fee: $235 / Time: 10am - 5 pm Sat/Sun
Abstract the Figure 1: Make it Flat & Simplified
Take one or both workshops in January & February which explore ways to make abstract figure paintings inspired by drawings made from life. First you draw from a live figure model and then paint from your drawings. Abstract the Figure 1 is inspired by painters such as Matisse, Miro, and Leger who simplified the form of the figure, distilling it to large, flat shapes of brilliant color. This workshop includes issues of composition, texture, brushwork, and line. Previous painting and drawing experience is recommended. Oil or Acrylic paints are welcomed.
(Image: Matisse)
Feb 22-23: Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, West Seattle
Fee: $235 / Time: 10am - 5 pm Sat/Sun
Abstract the Figure 2: Show Action & Multiple Dimensions
Take one or both workshops in January & February which explore ways to make abstract figure paintings inspired by drawings made from life. Abstract the Figure 2 is inspired by Picasso, DeKooning, Francis Bacon and Susan Rothenberg. These artists made figurative abstract paintings that include action, varied textures and multiple layers. You will first draw from a live model and then make paintings based on your drawings. Fast action, expressive brushwork, heavy use of line, and building up and breaking down through several painted layers are the goals of this workshop. Previous painting and drawing experience is recommended. Oil or Acrylic paints are welcomed.
(Image: De Kooning)
April 26 & 27: Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, West Seattle
Fee: $115 both days; $65 one day / Time: 10am - 5 pm Sat/Sun
April ART Marathon! (no instruction)
This is a great way to spend a weekend! MAKE ART from figure
models for one or both days with a group of other artists in a focused and enthusiastic atmosphere. Pose lengths will vary from one-minute gestures to two hour poses. You can paint, draw, sculpt, make collages—your choice! I’ll be there working and timing the model. No Instruction.
May 24-25: Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, West Seattle
Fee: $235 / Time: 10am - 5 pm Sat/Sun
Portrait Painting in the Manner of Max Beckmann
Explore the work and portrait painting techniques of Max Beckmann in this two-day workshop. Beckmann was a 20th century German painter, printmaker and a teacher who rejected perspective and classical proportion in favor of more expressive and objective art. His portraits are colorful, with textural brushstrokes and strong black lines that defined the form of the figure. His concerns for surface texture were inspired by Cezanne and Rembrandt. You will paint from a live model in the manner of Beckmann, making some short painting sketches and one extended study on canvas. Some painting experience recommended. Oil or Acrylic paints.
(Image: Beckmann, Quappi in Blue, 1926)