Barbara Fugate Gesture Drawing, 2012
SEPT. 29 & 30: Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, West Seattle
Two day fee: $110; One day fee: $65 / Time: 10am - 5 pm Sat/Sun
ART MARATHON—Draw/Paint/Sculpt—It’s your choice! (no instruction)
Get back into the swing of the studio making art all weekend long from a figure model. There is no instruction. Work at your own pace with your choice of media. Figure poses will progress from gesture poses up to a three hour pose each day. The long pose on Saturday afternoon will be repeated on Sunday allowing those who wish to further develop a longer study to do so. Colorful backdrops will inspire and ignite your figure creations! Fugate will be present timing the model poses as well as providing some snacks to keep everyone fueled and energized to make your best efforts ever. All levels are welcomed.
SEPT. 25–OCT 30: Woodland Pk. Zoo & Volunteer Pk. Conservatory
Class fee: $195: 1-4 PM, Six Consecutive Tuesday Afternoons
Draw in sketchbooks from ever fascinating animals and plants exploring issues including color, texture, space, line, form, and composition. It’s a joy to be outside of the traditional studio setting, investigating drawing concepts inspired by our models at the zoo and conservatory. A variety of drawing media will be used beginning with conte crayons and then adding color media including colored pencils, water-soluble crayons, and watercolors. Classes are held at Woodland Park Zoo and Volunteer Park’s Conservatory. All levels are welcomed. Zoo entrance fee not included.
OCT. 20-21: Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, West Seattle
Class Fee: $235 / Time: 10am - 5 pm Sat/Sun
In the manner of VAN GOGH: Still Life & Self-Portrait Painting
Practice the genres of Still Life and Self Portrait painting in the manner of Van Gogh. Van Gogh’s innovations in painting using expressive color, shallow space, and texture greatly influenced painters of his time and continues today. In this weekend workshop you will investigate these elements of painting and compositional choices painting from a still life on Saturday and Self Portrait painting (using a mirror) on Sunday. Emotive color, engagement of the psyche, and a celebration of nature are also aspects of Van Gogh’s art that will be discussed and sought after through the weekend of painting. Some painting experience recommended. Oil or Acrylic.
NOV. 10-11: Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, West Seattle
Class Fee: $235 / Time: 10am - 5 pm Sat/Sun
GESTURE DRAWING: Be Bold, Brave & Quick
Gesture drawing is naturally raw, direct, bold, and exciting! It is a way of participating fully in the experience—the act—of drawing while you capture a sense of “how the model is,” not what they look like.
You are guided through a plethora of gesture drawings in charcoal and color, aiming to make you a more compassionate observer and enthusiastic participant in your drawings. The weekend begins in charcoal on Saturday with colored pastel and ink washes added on Sunday. All levels are welcomed. Some previous experience in figure drawing is recommended but not required. Drawings are made on 24”x36” paper.
DEC. 1-2: Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, West Seattle